A teaspoon

A bucket full of energy at the start of everyone’s day
But with M.E. I have to settle with scooping a spoon away

A teaspoon full of energy
What can I spend it on?
A shower, brushing my teeth…
A step outside, it’s gone…

The choices are countless, the spoon just a few drops
Oh how I wish it could be a bucket
Or even a small cup

That it could be a little more then only just a spoon
Even though, I fill my spoon with pearls, though it is gone so soon

Ofcourse it does hurt me, that for sure is true
Because I would like to be there more, just like you.

But I can have a bucket and loose it all on ‘duty’
Or just a spoon, though I deserve more, but see the hidden beauty

When I take the diamonds and pearls out of that spoon
Then that gives value to my life and colors up the room

My energy may be small, but the value all the more
It’s not about the amount, it’s about how I use it to the core

Because buckets full poured out without attention to the small
Lets everything valuable disappear like pooring a waterfall

Even though I only have a spoon and others have much more
Yet I find many gems and enjoy those to the core

Soul Treasures

for an explanation of the piece of art above this poem also read the News from Belgium in this issue of the ME Global Chronicle. It has been made by more than 90 ME/CFS patients in Belgium and the Netherlands on the occasion of May 12, and bears the title “See ME”

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