News from the Workwell Foundation

three simple steps to get you started:

Step 1: Identify your ventilatory or anaerobic threshold (V/AT)

Two ways:
* 2-day CPET
* Resting heart rate (RHR) method

Step 2: Tie activities to perceived exertion

The goal with pacing is simple: try to stay below the heart rate at the V/AT. Avoid spending time above the V/AT for more than two minutes if possible.

Remember that cognitive activities and tasks use aerobic energy production and may need modification to avoid crashes.

Step 3: Keep an activity and symptom log

Put it to the test. Implementing a pacing/energy conservation program should reduce symptoms of PEM. If not, pay attention to time spent above the V/AT and activity levels, including cognitive tasks. If you are still experiencing a push-crash cycle with PEM, the V/AT you are using may be too high, or your crashes are related to cognitive exertion or orthostatic stress.

While pacing with an HRM is not a treatment for ME/CFS, activity management is a helpful tool for avoiding symptom exacerbation and minimizing PEM.

Read the entire blog of the Workwell Foundation here

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