Crying – the story of ME

‘I can only cry…’

of my body
that is struggling so much

and the struggle
bit by bit
must be given up

The story of yesterday

The story of past years

The story of loss, hope and despair

The story
of being tough
grit your teeth
not crying
keep smiling
through your tears

The story
of not voluntarily

The story
of feeling guilty
because of being ill
and your environment
being heavily burdened

The story
of clinging on
to every straw

The story
of all those people
who are there for you
who want to understand
but can’t understand
because you don’t even understand it yourself

The story
of the struggle
to prevent further deterioration

The story
of medical science
but not fast enough

The story
of wanting so badly
but not being able to

I so badly  want
a little
quality of life!

The story
Of ME.

Text & drawing: Anneke Blom

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