News from Italy

Thanks to the initiative of Marcella Maria Spirito, a psychologist and psychotherapist who runs support groups for patients under 30 for the CFS/ME OdV Association, who involved Giada Da Ros, president of the CFSME Italian Association, together they are creating episodes of a podcast on ME/CFS.

For ten episodes of 10-15 minutes each, they will be hosts of the podcast channel Wheeppy (to be found on Spotify), which focuses on wellness, women’s empowerment and diversity inclusion.

In five of them they will talk about the condition and read some excerpts from the book “Non solo fatica”, in the other five they will do interviews with two patients (Alessandra Garavaldi and Alessandro Rutkowski), Prof. Tirelli, Prof. Baritussio, psychologists who support CFS/ME patients and their caregivers (Marcella Maria Spirito, Michele Tricarico and Francesca Caiella), and caregivers (Chiara Carollo and Stefania Tottolo).

The first podcast has been aired on March 21st. At least one episode will be broadcast on May 12, at the occasion of World ME Day.

The World ME Day’s hashtag this year is #GlobalVoiceForME, so a podcast is particularly apt.

On March 4th an article about CFS/ME has been published in Donna Moderna (Modern Woman), a magazine that covers contemporary topics, with a female focus.

Professor Tirelli, the leading Italian expert, and Giada Da Ros, president of the CFS/ME Italian Association, were interviewed.

As always there are, unfortunately, inaccuracies and some of the usual things that make patients angry (calling the disease chronic fatigue and not ME/CFS, for instance), but the reason to be content anyway is, that the topic is deemed serious and reaches possible sufferers, that can get more detailed information by the sources mentioned.

Submitted by Giada Da Ros

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